Greenville Housing Authority


Non Profit Organizations

About Us

Our Agency promotes the development and professional management of a variety of affordable housing opportunities, facilities, and supportive services to nurture neighborhoods and provide economic development and self-sufficiency activities for residents while also assuring equal access to safe, quality housing for low and moderate-income families throughout the community.

The HACG is committed to providing quality lease and for-sale housing opportunities by educating, training and assisting families to become self sufficient. Additionally, we strive to support and empower individuals and families, promote independence through recognition of personal responsibility, encourage healthy behaviors while reducing social problems, provide services of value to taxpayers and strengthen the quality of life of residents of HACG and Housing Choice Voucher Program through workforce development and a network of supportive services.

The mission of the Housing Authority of the City of Greenville is to be a leader for affordable housing in the City of Greenville by serving as a housing safety net, promoting individual self-sufficiency, leveraging core housing competency to support HACG’s mission, managing real estate and facilitating and participating in mixed income housing development.


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