Pirate Pediatrics, PA



About Us

Life can get busy and you've got enough on your plate. Sometimes things happen when the doctor's office is closed, and you shouldn't have to be a medical expert to take care of your child. At Pirate Pediatrics, we get it.

With our convenient choices of early morning walk-in, same day appointments and virtual visits, we'll make sure your child's health and well-being are well taken care of.

We offer a variety of services including well and sick visits for children and adolescents of all ages. We also see children for chronic conditions such as ADHD, asthma, and healthy weight management. We have unique services to help you through the newborn period, including a class on ''The Happiest Baby on the Block'' to teach you how to turn on the calming reflex and soothe your child. Infant massage, mommy/baby yoga, toddler yoga, and even prenatal yoga are also a few other unique opportunities we plan to offer.


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