Roebuck Staffing Company, LLC


Employment Services

About Us

Roebuck Staffing specializes in North Carolina private sector business as
well as the public sector. We have employees ready to work in the areas of
Construction, Manufacturing, Clerical, Janitorial, and Housekeeping.

For CLIENTS we work directly with your HR Departments in fulfilling your
staffing needs for any job regardless of number of employees needed and
length of time - irrespective of it being for one employee for just a day
to any number of employees for your upcoming long-term projects. Roebuck
Staffing prides itself in an extensive employee pre-screening process in
order to provide our clients with the right candidate for employment.
Knowing your business helps us determine which employees to provide for an
interview or job placement.

For JOB SEEKERS we assist in preparing you for the right fit with our
business partners. First, we focus on understanding your talents, skills
and desires regarding your career by reviewing your resume and application
for employment. Next, we sit down with you for a one-on-one interview to
get acquainted and to assess your career goals. Lastly we have you take
placement tests in the areas of personality & integrity, skills and sample
job tests based on what our clients are looking for.


Will Roebuck

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
302 S. Greene St., Greenville, NC 27834 – (252) 752-4101 –