Baker Roofing


Contractors - Roofing

About Us

Best Roofing Contractor in the Nation
With over 100 years of experience, Baker Roofing Company has grown to become one of the nation's largest roofing contractors.
In 1915 W. P. Baker hung a sign in his downtown Raleigh shop indicating that Baker Roofing (then Baker Rawls Tin Shop) was open for business. That sign read “We shall do good work. At a profit if we can, at a loss if we must, but always good work.'' Today, that sign can be found hanging in lobby of our Raleigh headquarters to act as a daily reminder of the values that drive all of team Baker.

Since that day in 1915, Baker Roofing has grown to become one of the Nation’s largest and most respected roofing contractors. Baker Roofing Company now has 27 locations in 8 states throughout the Southeast and performs work all across the US as well as internationally. Most recently Baker Roofing was recognized by Engineering News Record SE as the Specialty Contractor of the Year (2011).


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302 S. Greene St., Greenville, NC 27834 – (252) 752-4101 –